Enhancement of fire safety awareness drills for employees-VEISE Electronics

Editor:veise Time:2024-08-23 17:00:02 Hits:

In order to further strengthen the staff's awareness of fire safety, improve the ability to deal with fire and other emergencies, and provide a strong guarantee for the production safety of the factory, Visions Electronics organized a fire drill for all staff.

Alarm - Start of the exercise

With the sound of the alarm, the drill officially began. The whole staff quickly and orderly evacuated to the safe area according to the predetermined evacuation route. In the process of evacuation, everyone stayed calm and did not panic, reflecting the good quality of emergency.

Learning about safety precautions

After arriving at the safe area, the fire instructors organized a safety lecture for all the staff, explaining in detail the prevention of fire, escape techniques to watch fire accident cases and the correct use of fire fighting equipment.

  • Eliminate sources of ignition: Ensure the safety of electrical equipment, do not overload electrical appliances, and do not throw cigarette butts.

  • Control combustibles: Store flammable items properly and keep the environment tidy.

  • Keep access clear: Ensure that evacuation routes and safety exits are clear and unobstructed.

Subsequently, the fire instructors demonstrated the use of fire extinguishers, smoke masks and other fire fighting equipment on the spot, and organized practical exercises for all employees to ensure that everyone could master the skills. Under the guidance of the fire instructors, the employees carried out the practical exercise of extinguishing fire with fire extinguishers in groups to ensure that everyone could master the fire-fighting skills.

Popularization of fire safety education and knowledge

What should I do in the event of a fire?

Call the police immediately, escape as soon as possible, try to extinguish the fire if it is safe to do so, and wait for help.

How to escape properly after a fire?

Cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel, crawl in a low position, follow evacuation signs to escape, and do not take the elevator.

What fires cannot be extinguished with water?

Oil fires, electrical fires, chemical fires, etc. cannot be extinguished with water.