The Company Organized a Group Barbecue in March 2023.

Editor:veise Time:2023-03-19 09:59:09 Hits:

To enrich the employees' spare time and enjoy the fun of group activities after the tense and busy work, VEISE held a barbecue activity on March 19 in the beautiful Flower City, Furongzhang.


The activity was divided into nine groups, and each group leader actively claimed the ingredients. During the barbecue, everyone showed their own skills and demonstrated different barbecue methods and techniques.


Laughter and mirth lingered in the air with the wisps of smoke. Everyone enjoyed various delicacies they barbecued by themselves, and talked about all kinds of interesting things they encountered in work and life. It was a harmonious and enjoyable moment!


This activity has enhanced the feelings among the employees of Vision Company, also strengthened the company's cohesion, demonstrated the spirit of a friendly and mutual aid team, and at the same time, everyone has also gained health and happiness, adding color to our work and life!
